Monday, July 21, 2008


I decided to do my tax returns in the hope that I'd get some tax returns. Now, I just have to wait for the credit to my bank account..

When claiming tax-deduction donation, I remembered Will's blog entry regarding church donation. Suddenly I had a 'creative' idea of giving some of the 10% tithing to tax-deductible organisation. So I went on to get the list of organisation and narrowed the list down to:
- Radio Heart FM
- Presbyterian Aged Care
- Anglican Board of Mission
- Uniting Church in Australia -Frontier Services

It is really hard to know if I have chosen correctly. Ideally, it would be good to visit the place or even get involved (volunteer) with the organisation before making the decision. Of coz, giving money out is much easier than really getting involved with the activities. Oh, my friend suggested World Visiton too, so I would look at it again. The first time round, I didn't 'adopt' any child in World Vision coz I wanted to choose an Indonesian girl and they don't have Indonesians in their list.

I am very interested to know more about Presbyterian Aged Care, though. I think it'd be fun to stay at retirement house with fellow old friends, playing card games, exercising together. Wouldn't it be nice if all my good friends go to the same retirement village? It would be like reunion or like church camp all over again. Hmm, maybe I should drop by the place to look at it. It seems they accept CDs for donations and I got heaps of them, though I'm not sure if the songs are from their era hehehe....

On a good note, my hubby got a job! Yippee.. Now I can quit my job!


Wills said...

Congrats on Bruno's new job! Do you have to declare your Singapore income for 07/08? If it's just your Australian income then you should be getting all (or very close to all) your taxes back for 07/08 evem without any deductions considering you only worked in Australia for a couple of months.

Viv said...

Thanks. Yeah, almost got full refund.Not sure if I need to declare SG income hehe.. hope ato not reading my blog