Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Third Trimester is finally here!

Despite not doing anything much at home, I didn't realize I'm in the third trimester of my pregnancy. Looking back, I have been wishing that it would come sooner but now I feel that I'm not ready to "push" yet. Oh well, there's still 2 more months to go now...

In March, hubby and I were too busy looking for another rental property to move to. I suggested that our current 2-bedroom apartment may be too small, especially since we may need some space for baby stuff and an extra room for my mom to stay when she's visiting here. At the same time, there's an apartment development right next to our apartment and it's getting very very noisy! I'm not taking any chance as there's already some cracks in one of the bathrooms from previous development.

My in-laws came back in March as well, after being away for half a year. I was initially happy for them to be back as it means I could eat home-cooked food (instead of home-delivery 'rantangan' food) and we have extra helps for the moving. But, their other son planned to come to Sydney for Easter holiday and invited my in-laws to come with them back to Toowoomba for holiday. Of course I would not stop them from having a holiday with their other son, especially since they rarely get to see him. But the lazy part of me is dreading moving without them hehee...

So we're moving to a 3-bedroom apartment back in Newington this weekend (Anzac day weekend), where we used to live when we first moved to Sydney. This lease would also mark the beginning of our 3rd year in Sydney, which would mean we have been moving every year! (Sounds like my CV!). Hopefully it is a much quieter place for all of us, a closer place nearer to our 2 friends (who live in the same area) and a more convenient place for public transport and grocery shopping.

Yesterday, I met up with my Obs and it is the start of my forthnightly check-up with him. I was worried that the bub is too small but he assured me that the size is quite normal considering I'm not big myself. He organized a 'fetal growth' ultrasound in 2 weeks' time and I would be looking forward to see bub in details! On another sad note, when I was trying to re-arrange my next appointment, I saw my Obs come out of the room with another pregnant lady (who was the patient after me) and he was talking softly to the midwife and I saw the lady was in tears! Oh no, I wonder what happened.... And I didn't realise that I was teary-eyed too (I tend to cry easily). I hope nothing serious happened to her and it made me realise how fragile life is sometimes.

Right, I am supposed to do more packing today and I'm anticipating my not-so-new stroller from my friend. I asked her to buy it on her US trip and bargained that she could even use it for her 3-yr old son during her trip there. And indeed she did! Thanks to her, hubby would get the stroller he likes (it was his choice) at a cheaper price (almost 50% cheaper). Of course it is not very new by now, but at least we have it tested by a 3-yr old and he seemed to enjoy it.

Next in our agenda would be looking to buy a new family car, and we plan to get one by end of May. Again, this is because we have a big family to start with (with in-laws and a baby coming soon) and we want to be able to have extra seats for guests (eg. my mom). My sister and her family is planning to come in August and my grand-aunt may also follow along. I'm looking forward to them visiting me! It's quite rare to have a visit from relatives (or friends) since we moved to Australia.

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