Friday, May 9, 2008

Foxtel, interview and cooking

We finally got a Foxtel on Thursday. It's mainly for my hubby as he wants to watch his Liverpool games. I find the local TV programmes are sufficient for me, I can't even remember when my favourite shows (Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives) are playing.

But after an interview on Friday morning and while my husband is using the laptop to check internet, I found myself channel-surfing through all the shows in Foxtel, I watched 2 episodes (each) of Will & Grace and SITC. And I kept watching until it is past midnight!

Not sure what happened to me, maybe I need to unwind from the stress of interview (2nd interview, you see), to distract myself from regretting things I said during the interview (I was nervous and talked too much but not really answering the questins) and regretting things that I should've mentioned in the interview. Oh well, all's done and now we can only wait.

I have to thank Amanda (ex-colleague) for putting good words to the interviewer and for all the encouragement and that she and her brother, Jason, have given me so far. As much as I want to get the job, part of me wants to enjoy the 'holiday' mood we are in.. waking up late, going for morning walk, buy paper, read it in the park, watch TV, check internet, shopping, experiment with cooking.

Talking about cooking, I miss my parent-in-law. Yesterday my hubby cooked pasta for us (I can't cook, you see) and it was too much and we ended up eating 2 servings of pasta each. I tried but couldn't finish the 2nd serving and when washing the plates (the only thing I could do in the kitchen), I had the 'jelat' (Singlish) feeling and I waould not eat pasta or any gooey microwave food anytime soon!


Wills said...

The fact that they called your referee is a very good sign. With all my employers so far, calling referees is the last step just for confirmation once they have decided they want a candidate. Fingers crossed for ya.

Viv said...

hmm, not really reach the 'reference' stage actually. I just casually mentioned to the interviewer that my ex-colleague is in the same dept as the interviewer.

But yeah, wish me luck :)

Wills said...

Reference from inside, even better!